My Products Module Explanation
The purpose of this module is to provide a portal in which a logged in user can access their Downloads and Serial Numbers for their products in one place. Currently, the user has to click on their Order to access their serial/tracking and then access the downloads from another page. Furthermore, the Download Page written by the former devs is always broken and I want to move away from that module.
Add a new my products area
Add a new area in the User Account area called My Products and remove the Download Products section (See Image Below):

Create a new template
Create a new page that looks like this example template (Gem Pages Template), using the URL Handle: /pages/my-products. See image below:

Script and Rules
- Display the Product Image of the product the user purchased
- Display products from most recent purchase, I.e. display the most recent purchases first.
- Display the Serial Number, which comes from the Tracking Number for the user.
- Create an admin area, where I can add a download page for each product.
- To make it easier, please allow me to only enter the handle to enter the pages, e.g. soulful-keyboard-download will point to:
- Allow me to search products in the admin.
- If a product in the admin does not have a download link, then do not display a download Red button